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First approach to the python3.6 async programming, a simple consumer/producer (async programming with python 3.6 step 1)

As a first approach to the async programming I'm developing small scripts with python.

The main thing I need to learn is how to develop an asynchronous consumer/producer using an async Queue and python3.6.

First, a reproduction of the problem with synchronous programming, later the solution I found with async programming.


# First attempt, synchronous

from queue import Queue
from time import sleep, perf_counter

def produce(q: Queue, n: int):
    for i in range(n):
        print(f'produce {i}')

def consume(q: Queue):
    for i in q.queue:
        print(f'consume {i}')

start = perf_counter()
q = Queue()
produce(q, 10)
print(perf_counter() - start)

# Output

produce 0
produce 1
produce 2
... # imagin that
consume 7
consume 8
consume 9

It takes about 2 seconds


# Second attempt, Asynchronous

import asyncio
from time import perf_counter

async def produce(queue: asyncio.Queue, n: int):
    for x in range(n):
        print(f'produce {x}')
        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)
        await queue.put(x)

async def consume(queue: asyncio.Queue):
    while True:
        x = await queue.get()
        print(f'consume {x}')
        await asyncio.sleep(0.1)

async def run(n: int = 10):
    queue = asyncio.Queue()
    consumer = asyncio.ensure_future(consume(queue))

    await produce(queue, n)
    await queue.join()


start = perf_counter()
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
print(perf_counter() - start)

# Output

produce 0
produce 1
consume 0
produce 2
consume 1
produce 3
consume 7
produce 9
consume 8
consume 9

It takes 1.10 seconds, pretty much better, no?


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